Event Resources

Content Creation for a Virtual Environment

We have witnessed great success and some unfortunate blunders as organizations are rapidly turning toward virtual meetings and events. Controlling the message begins with crafting the content well before the delivery of […]


Different Types of Virtual Events

Distance does not have to change the outcome of your event. Do you need to… Share content in a timely manner? Connect attendees easily and frequently? Promote relevancy? Feature sponsors and strategic […]


Creating Sponsorship Value for Virtual Events

The role of sponsorship in a live, hybrid or virtual setting can equally be a driver for the organization’s success as it is for the sponsors’ gain. When a partnership reaches beyond […]


Virtual Meetings Terminology Glossary

Since the beginning of 2020, virtual meetings have exploded. Event engagements are the most valuable opportunity to transform a marketplace, expand horizons, and ignite evolution. As we continue to guide organizations in […]


Companies That Nailed Their MVP

“Organizations were often left wondering about the ROI on their largest marketing budget line item. We solved this problem by developing a diagnostic tool (called “Alignment Advantage”) used up front to align stakeholders with the desired outcome. We talk results first, then hold the event and process accountable to the outcome.” Read Larry Myler's article here.

Huffington Post Takes Notice

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Read Ari Garber’s article here.

The Strong Leadership of Meeting Planners

Many organizations are tenaciously focused on their thoughtfully-prepared missions while their legacy events may not be. Using Advanced Events' Alignment Advantage tool, planners can verify whether the events they’re asked to execute are tethered not only to an organization’s mission, but also to its business goals and objectives. Read more at The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation here.

Your Events can do More for Your Business.

…and we’ll prove it in the first conversation.

The ideas are yours to keep, no strings attached.